Are you compliant to the new ISO 5006 / 16001- Earthmoving Equipment / Operators Visibility?
The new ISO 5006: 2006 Standard for Earthmoving Equipment- Operators Visibility has been released and is now "recommended" by the ISO Organisation for compliance on all Earthmoving Machines.
The ISO 5006 clearly states: "The purpose of this International Standard is to address operator's visibility in such a manner that the operator can see around the machine to enable proper, effective and safe operation that can be quantified in objective engineering terms.
The ISO 16001: Earth-moving machinery -Hazard detection systems and visual aids -Performance requirements and tests
The ISO 16001 clearly states: This International Standard outlines test procedures and sets criteria for the development of hazard detection systems (HDS) for detecting Objects and visual aids (VA) for detecting People.
The ISO 16001 should be read carefully as it also specifies the technical requirements / performance criteria for a CCTV System- so any cheap type of camera system will not do.
Another essential Standard is the ISO 13766- EMC Earth-moving machinery -Electromagnetic compatibility in respects to interference of electrical / electronic sub-assemblies and control systems on earthmoving machinery.
It is clear that one needs to consider that there is a significant difference in providing devices that "Detect Hazards" to that of providing "Operator Vision" when it comes to "Safety" objectives.
Today- especially with the ISO Standards that demand "all-round vision" for the Operator- the use of the term CAS (Collision Avoidance Systems) in terms of "Safety" should be considered carefully.
Safety (potential for human harm) or a non- safety (damage to a vehicle / equipment only) that would potentially result from a collision, should be carefully assessed before making recommendations for a respective control measure device.
In the case of ISO 5006, only VA devices (Mirrors or CCTV) are recommended to be used as a primary safety device (for safety / protection of people)- of course HDS are also recommended to be added as a supportive "secondary" device.
In essence, other types of developed CASystems (Radar, Proximity Sensors, etc) DO NOT provide "Operator Vision" and so should not be used for "safety" where protection of humans / people is paramount.
Please also read our news article Three "Defences"- Operator Visibility / Proximity Detection / Collision Avoidance dd 8th Oct 2009
Other reference links for the Presentation (above) video clips and Case Histories for some of LSM Technologies / Applications / Reference are:
- DTruck Washing- Camera Endurance
- Walk- around the blind spots of a CAT797 DTruck.
- Other Video Clips
- Case Histories / Applications / References.
- Orlaco- News Section.
Also, if you would like more information, then please contact us and / or download- purchase the ISO Standards- quick links below:
- ISO 5006:2006: Standard for Earthmoving Equipment- Operators Visibility
- ISO 16001:2008: Earth-moving machinery- Hazard detection systems and visual aids- Performance requirements and tests
- ISO 13766:2006: Earth-moving machinery- Electromagnetic compatibility.